MV2 + SR=Success
Mission, Vision, Values and Social Responsibility.
It’s our guide, our compass, a measure from which all decisions and actions are taken.

What we do.
To service and support our partners around the globe with premium products, strong customer service and relationships.
Where should we be going?
To be on the leading edge of product, procedure and service development.
Social Responsibility
We are not alone. Community locally and globally is important.
Staying true to our values, we have a responsibility to provide a safe environment for our employees and to support community programs and charities. We will develop and fund our “Compassion in Action” program. Through this we will seek to honor our industry fore-fathers and support Alzheimer’s and Dementia related organizations. We will honor our employees and customers and support Breast Cancer Research. We will honor our future by supporting children’s sport programs around the world in a way that can provide the most positive impact.
And finally, recognizing our employees are our most valuable assets, we have developed a scholarship program. A child of any full-time employee will have access to an annual scholarship to attend any higher education learning venue, be it a university, community college or trade school.
What are important aspects of the fiber of this company?
To treat everyone internally and externally with dignity and respect. We firmly believe our employees are our most valuable asset. To build and maintain integrity and protect the brand above any short term gain. To always be above board and down to earth. To recognize the importance of every customer and provide them our very best at all times. To provide a safe and clean work environment and strive to have a positive impact on employees and the community.
What is success?
Is it sales volume and margins? Absolutely. Without sales volume and a healthy margin, we cannot operate and reinvest in equipment and R&D.
But we think success is much more than that. When the group within the company was asked to provide input on mission, vision and values, they were also asked to define success. The following are a few excerpts from that group.
“A positive financial result is imperative but also earning respect and trust from peers and customers.”
“Satisfied customers and pride in a job well done.”
“Success can be defined by longevity and the ability to reinvest. Success is the ability to provide quality products.”
“If you have happy employees and happy customers you have achieved success.”
“Success is a safe and stable work environment for employees.”
“Helping customers grow and meet their goals are one measure of success.”
“A profitable company that offers job security and is a good neighbor in the community.”
“Success does not mean you win everything every time or always come in 1st. If we individually and collectively always put 100% into what we do and never look back and say I could have done more, we will be successful.”
It is clear that the company is over-flowing with people that have big hearts and a strong desire to follow values that define honesty and integrity. It was time to reaffirm the company shareholders also hold these things dear and to formally put forth the above compass for all who are part of Action Floor Systems to use and display every day. It is the foundation of our “System for Success”.