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FloorScore®-Certified Flooring for Superior Indoor Air Quality

FloorScoreAction Floor Systems can meet today’s rigorous Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) emission requirements expected by architects and owners.

Developed collaboratively in 2005 by the Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) and SCS Global Services, the FloorScore program certifies that resilient and hard surface flooring products and accessories conform to the requirements of California Specification 01350 (Standard Method v1.1).

FloorScore certified products also conform to the requirements of the SCS EC-10.3-2014 Indoor Air Quality Standard. Laboratory testing is conducted according to California Specification 01350, which includes the Chronic Reference Exposure Level (CREL) concentrations established by the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) and procedures developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

FloorScore Certification inspires confidence in architects and owners that our certified flooring consistently meets the following rigorous indoor air quality emissions requirements and specification criteria:

  • California Specification 01350 Special Environmental Requirements
  • Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS)
  • USGBC LEED 2009 and v4 criteria for low emitting materials (Flooring and Flooring Adhesives)

Action Floors Solid Maple Hardwood Flooring and Herculan Pad and Pour Systems are FloorScore Certified. Download Action Floor Systems FloorScore Certificates.

To learn more about FloorScore, read our blog, download our FloorScore Overview or contact us.